
Global Video Assurance

Providius delivers unparalleled solutions for organizations that utilize IP media and IT infrastructures in high-stakes, mission-critical environments. With expertise in real-time network telemetry and IP media analysis, Providius demystifies the complexities of IP media and IT infrastructure.

As part of their comprehensive suite of telemetry and analysis software, Providius provides:


Broadcast Media Guard

BMG Media Stream Analysis

Acquire, decode, and analyze a wide variety of media flows (uncompressed and compressed) across multiple high-capacity IP interfaces (up to 100Gb/s) simultaneously. BMG software is indispensable when it comes to engineering, operations and system integration.

Features & Benefits

  • Precision network packet timing analysis
  • Decode and monitor multiple media types simultaneously
  • Real-time monitoring by exception notification
  • NMOS IS-04/IS-06 support for network discovery & patch management
  • Access VM or bare metal deployments using secure web UI

The BMG high density analysis platform is the 24/7 eyes & ears of both video service and delivery network. Proactively identify impairments and service disruptions with this monitoring and visualization technology.

Network Visualization & Real-time Telemetry Dashboard

NVRT Vendor-Agnostic Enterprise Software Suite

The NVRT software suite provides network and media telemetry across all-IP, hybrid IP-SDI and WAN broadcast infrastructures. For ST 2110 networks, it ensures the system is running smoothly while proactively diagnosing issues in real-time.

Passively analyze the IT and broadcast side of operations. NVRT combines network telemetry and media analysis on a single dashboard, allowing users to:

  • Discover what’s connected/disconnected from the network in realtime
  • Confirm which media flows are currently being routed across the network
  • Trace from where a multicast originated & where it is being received
  • Track port bandwidth utilization and flow metrics for the trunk ports
  • Confirm PTP is locked where expected / overall PTP system health
  • Verify multicast route history log for the network

With NVRT, manage, monitor and maintain media networks while eliminating “finger-pointing” between broadcast and IT.

Contact us or visit to learn more.