
Control & Monitor LYNX products with LynxCentraal Software

With LynxCentraal, LYNX Technik’s latest software, control individual briks or whole systems with global backup & restore, plus full integration with third party automation.


This all-in-one control and monitoring software solution allows users to centralize the control and configuration of their LYNX products.

  • Control & Monitor yellobrik, greenMachine, and Series 5000 devices
  • Set user-specific rights to limit access to devices
  • Create custom controls for users to quickly change settings in your environment

Overall, LynxCentraal is the unified front end for all LYNX hardware solutions. It succeeds and replaces the separate front-end applications greenGUI, APPolo and yelloGUI.

Check out the full LynxCentraal Manual here.

Contact us for more information about LynxCentraal software.

PHABRIX video Highlights Qx Series’ flexible GUI

In their latest video, PHABRIX walks users through the Qx Series‘ flexible GUI.

Selecting, resizing and moving instruments within the Qx Series is simple! Click the PHABRIX logo in the bottom left corner to display and select all of the instruments available on the unit. Easily change the size of the instrument being displayed by double left-clicking on it. Next, drag the instrument in the position on the screen where you’d like it displayed.

Once the instrument layout is complete, save it as a preset. A unique feature of the Qx Series is that it not only remembers the selected instruments, but also the submenu options selected. To select from the submenu of each instrument, simply right-click.

See further examples in the video below:

Contact us for more information about PHABRIX Qx Series’ flexible GUI.

New 2110 IP Generator Instrument for PHABRIX QxL

PHABRIX releases QxL version 4.2: the QxL rasterizer now generates the user interface (GUI) as a 2110 flow, making the GUI viewable from anywhere!

V4.2 allows the QxL to simultaneously generate and analyze SMPTE 2110/2022-7 video & audio flows. It can generate two sets of video & audio 2022-7 flow pairs as part of the generator license:

  • Test pattern as a flow: 1 x ST 2110-20 (video) and 4 x ST 2110-30/31 (audio) with 2022-7
  • Monitor output (GUI) as a flow: 1 x ST 2110-20 (video) and 1 x ST 2110-30/31 (audio) with 2022-7
  • Up to seven flow pairs (14 flows) from generator and monitor output.


Contact us for more information about the new 2110 IP Generator Instrument for PHABRIX QxL.