In their latest VP.3 software release, PHABRIX adds support for new SDI & IP standards, as well as advanced ST 2110 IP Signal Generation for their Qx Series.
More specifically, the QxL IP generation tools now support ST 2110-20 2K/HD, 4K/UHD video, 2110-30/31 PCM/AES audio, and 2110-40 Ancillary (ANC) flow generation. As part of this extensive toolset, QxL customers can now simultaneously generate Test Signal and User Interface (GUI) video & audio flows.
ST 2110 IP signal generation toolset also includes:
- 2110-20: Support for wide range of HD/2K, UHD/4K, YCbCr/RGB, 422/444, 10/12-bit signals
- 2110-30/31: Four 80-Channel PCM/AES audio flow generators, 125µs or 1ms Audio packet time
- 2110-40: ANC flow generation linked to new timecode generator with control of ATC and Keep Alive packets
- 2110 Timecode Generator (ATC_LTC, ATC_VITC, PTP Locked)
- 2022-7 seamless protection support for all 2110 flows generated or analysed
Contact us for more information about advanced ST 2110 IP generation in the PHABRIX Qx Series!