Motama adds ad-replacement, HEVC, Dolby Digital Plus, subtitling and geo-blocking to its server suite.

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At this year’s IBC, Motama will introduce its new product AdCaster. AdCaster enables regional and targeted adverts for live TV services, either as full replacement or for augmenting the original content. AdCaster supports IPTV multicast as well as Internet / Over-The-Top (OTT) streaming.

Motama will showcase HEVC support for its product line of transcoders CodecCaster. A demonstration of live transcoding will show the differences in quality and bitrate of AVC/H.264 vs. the new HEVC/H.265 codec. In addition, all Motama transcoders are now Dolby certified. This allows for converting high-quality live streams with Dolby Digital or Dolby Digital Plus audio to AAC format, which is a major requirement for reducing the bandwidth requirements and for adaptive streaming protocols.

Motama will also showcase support for subtitles for Internet/OTT streaming, which allows service providers to fulfill the legal requirements for subtitling. Motama’s approach for adding subtitles to the actual content directly offers 100% compatibility for all existing devices.

Motama’s product line for Internet/OTT streaming, PolyCaster, now supports many new features. IP filtering and geo-blocking enables access control for providers of live streams. User authentication allows for protecting and monetizing content.