PHABRIX releases QxL version 4.2: the QxL rasterizer now generates the user interface (GUI) as a 2110 flow, making the GUI viewable from anywhere!
V4.2 allows the QxL to simultaneously generate and analyze SMPTE 2110/2022-7 video & audio flows. It can generate two sets of video & audio 2022-7 flow pairs as part of the generator license:
- Test pattern as a flow: 1 x ST 2110-20 (video) and 4 x ST 2110-30/31 (audio) with 2022-7
- Monitor output (GUI) as a flow: 1 x ST 2110-20 (video) and 1 x ST 2110-30/31 (audio) with 2022-7
- Up to seven flow pairs (14 flows) from generator and monitor output.
Contact us for more information about the new 2110 IP Generator Instrument for PHABRIX QxL.