The new MAGIC THipPro VMS answering systems by AVT record up to 32 callers simultaneously!
Including either 8 or 16 caller lines, the recorded signals are saved as WAV files on the PC and can be played back directly or processed externally. Each voice message system offers individual announcement texts at the beginning of a call and/or a rejection text if a recording exceeds the defined time.
The DSP-based recording system is available in two versions: MAGIC THipPro 8 VoIP VMS for eight and MAGIC THipPro 16 VoIP VMS for 16 caller lines. The MAGIC THipPro 8 VoIP VMS can be upgraded to 16 lines if necessary.
Configuration and control of the answering systems is done via the included MAGIC THipPro VMS Client. Up to five VMS clients can access one system (first license is included with delivery).
Contact us for more information!